Rollers for gravity conveyors
Idle rollers for light weight unit handling conveyors in normal, food, humid and corrosive environments

Increasingly performing rollers with the new shaft version d=17 - type 117/75. Idle rollers for light, medium and heavy unit handling conveyors in internal, normal, humid, foodstuffs and corrosive environments

The new idle rollers for pallets handling. Idle rollers for heavy unit handling conveyors in normal internal environments.

Heavy double friction rollers.

Rollers for light conveyors where maximum economy is requested and for not too dusty, wet or dirty environments.

Idle rollers for medium weight unit handling conveyors in normal internal environments

Guide rollers (cantilevered) installed for directional control of the unit loads or as a belt guide

Idle rollers for medium and heavy weight conveyor systems in internal, external, normal, dusty and humid environments.

Idle rollers for heavy pallet conveyors in internal, external, normal, dusty and humid environments.